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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is for all new Chamber Member Businesses. This Ribbon Cutting Ceremony gives business the opportunity to meet Chamber Ambassadors, publication in the E-news, and the newspaper.

Yes! You actually cut a ribbon, and because a ribbon cutting marks a very significant moment in the business's history, we take plenty of photos. A ribbon cutting ceremony also gives the business owner or manager a chance to say a few words to those gathered.  Business owners have used this time to publicly give thanks to those who helped them in their business journey as well as talk about what their business does.

Call the Logan County Chamber at 970-522-5070 or email: to schedule your Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

The Queen of the Clean 3.28.25 flyer

Previous Ribbon Cuttings

Hope House3.25.25 RC flyer
opening (43) (1)
opening (42)
opening (38)
Humble Homestead-r 12.12.24
AW Laser Art, 3-W Livestock RC 11.9.24
Lopez Shop RC. 11.2.24
Open House Hospice of plains 11.1.24
JOS- Ribon cutting10.15.24
SLC Group- RC 8.21.2024
Windom Family Dentistry8.8.24 flyer
HQ- Sterling-RC7.18.24
Mountain Vista Cleanin RC-7.16.24
Fashions & Rations RC 6.14.24
RBcutting Support Inc
4.24.24 High Plains Dice & Games RCflyer
Another Women's Treasure R C flyer
A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center of Northeast CO R C flyer
Aladdin Campus Dining R C flyer
Farm burea 12.29.23. R C flyer
Ship & Stuf10.13.23. R C flyer
Wild Spirit Development- 9.22.23 R C flyerr
Steele Terrain- 9.13.23 R C flyer
Takara8.25.23 R C flyer
Boudoir by Nichole 8.22.23 R C flyer
Sweetly Vintage R C flyer
Starbucks R C flyer
SingleGeneration Good Respect R C flyer6.1523
American Family Insurance District 309-Flyer 6.7.23
TipsyCow Wagon 5.18.23 R C flyer
ALL-RC April 2023rrr
3.25.25 Hope House pic-crop
2.28.25 Mead Lumber1c
2.27.25 Dairy Queen- 1c
TAKARA ribbon cutting-c1.3.25
12.12.24 Humble Homep1
AW Laser Art, 3-W Livestock RC 11.9.24.p2
Lopez Shop RC.pic- 11.2.24
Hospice of Plains-pMainc
10.15.24-Journal Office Supply-1c
THE SLC Group-pic-1c 8.21.24
Windom Family Dentistry-c-7.22.24-p2
HQ- Sterling-RC7.18.24-1c
Mountain Vista Cleaning Services, LLC pic7.16.24c
Fashion & Rations RC 6.14.24c
4.24.24 High Plains Dice & Games RC-c
Another Women's Treasure RC-pic1c
A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center of Northeast CO R C pic1crop
Aladdin Campus Dining- 1.18.24pic1cc
melindahuttfarmbureau insurance-colorado12.29.23
Ship & Stuf10.13.23. R C-picc
Wild Spirit Development- 9.22.23 R C -2c
Steele Terrain-pic3c1
TAKARA 8.25.23 R C -1
Boudoir by Nichole 8.22.23RC-pic1c
Sweetly Vintage 8.15.23-p1st
Generation Good Respect-RC2-cutc7.6.23
American Family Insurance District 309-c 6.7.23
TipsyCow Wagon 5.18.23RC-c
Robyn Miller cuts the ribbon as her business, Econic, is welcomed as a new member of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce Friday, April 21, 2023. Joining her are Elinor Brown, executive director of the Chamber, and Chamber board members and ambassadors Mike White, Jodie DiOrio, Micaela Ladd and Tim Edgar. (Callie Jones/Sterling Journal-Advocate)